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Privacy Policy


This site belongs to the company

Worldwide wave

20-22 Wenlock Road London, N1 7GU 

United Kingdom



Director of Publication: Marc Arrighi

Photo Resources: Inc.

Site hosting:, Inc.




PREAMBLE commits to collect and process your data in a lawful, fair and transparent manner, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The collection of personal data of its prospects and customers is limited to what is strictly necessary, in accordance with the data minimization principle, and indicates the purposes pursued, if the collection is optional or mandatory to manage the requests and who can access them.



In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (RGPD), information concerning yourself is intended for who is responsible for the processing.

A right of access, rectification and deletion of data concerning yourself (details in Article 7) is available at any time.

We record the statistics of the emails you receive for a period of 3 years. By browsing this website published and posted by, you access content protected by law, including the provisions of the Code of Intellectual Property.

The publisher only allows a strictly personal use of data, information or content, limited to a temporary recording on your computer for display on a single screen and reproduction, in a single copy, for backup copy or print on paper.

Any other use is subject to our express prior authorization. By continuing your visit to our site you agree to abide by the conditions above. commits its customers to comply with the laws in force and the ethical rules of use necessary to establish a relationship of trust between the sender of the message and its recipient. will not exchange, rent or sell the collected data. The site is not intended for minors. We do not collect or knowingly process personal data relating to minors.



The controller of the personal data referred to herein is Prisca Arrighi, 9 St Therese Street, 605001, Puducherry, India.


Information and user rights:

Any User has the right to ask the controller for access to the personal data provided;

Rectification or erasure thereof;

A limitation of the treatment relating to his person;

To oppose the treatment;

The portability of data;

To file a complaint with the CNIL. undertakes to ensure that any subcontractor has sufficient contractual guarantees in terms of to the implementation of measures that comply with the requirements of the European Data Protection Regulation.


Data collected on the site:

When you register on our site to receive information and our commercial proposals, the following data are collected and processed: email, first name, and IP address (es).


When you register on our site to buy a product:

The following data are collected and processed: email, civility, first name, surname, country, postal address, telephone number, IP address(es). When using our services, the following data is collected and processed: connection data and navigation data, order history, mail history, incidents, information on purchases and correspondence on our site.


The submitted data must not include any sensitive personal data:

such as social security numbers, driver's license numbers, or taxpayer identification numbers, full credit card or personal bank account numbers, medical records or information relating to requests for care associated with persons, this list not being exhaustive.


The use of the Site requires registration and prior identification:

Your personal data (surname, first name, postal address, e-mail) are used to fulfill legal obligations (delivery of products and / or services corresponding to the order).

The customer will not provide false information about his identity and will not create an account for a third party without his authorization. This information must be up to date.

Some of the technical data of your device is automatically collected by the Site. This information includes, but is not limited to, your IP address, ISP (Internet Service Provider), hardware configuration, software configuration, browser type and language ... The collection of this data is necessary for the provision of services.


Collection of technical data for commercial and statistical purposes:

The technical data of your device are automatically collected and recorded by the Site, for advertising, commercial and statistical purposes. The purpose of this information is to personalize and improve the user experience. No nominative data (surname, first name, address ...) attached to a technical data is kept.



The main purpose of collecting your personal data is to provide a secure, efficient and personalized user experience. To do this, you agree to the use of your personal data to:

Receive our services and facilitate their operation;

Solve any problems;

Customize, evaluate, improve our services, contents and documentation;

Analyze the volume and history of your use of our services;

To inform you about our services;

Compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations.


For customers:

Delivery the products.

For our newsletters, and sending of commercial proposals, your personal data is used on the basis of the explicit agreement you have given for this purpose.

An unsubscribe link is included in every newsletter and email marketing we send. For those of you who have explicitly chosen to participate in our online conferences and/or receive our newsletter, you can easily unsubscribe by following the unsubscribe links in each of these emails. publishes on its website a list of Customer Testimonials with first name, photo and testimonial or video recording. undertakes to obtain the authorization of each client before publication of any testimony. If you wish to be removed from the list, you can contact us by email at and we will delete your information very quickly.



The personal data collected on the site are intended for own use to Ondewater and can be transmitted to the subcontractor companies to which Ondewater can call during the execution of its services.

Ondewater ensures compliance with data protection requirements for all its subcontractor companies. Ondewater does not sell or rent your personal data to third parties.

Ondewater does not disclose your personal information to third parties unless:

You (or your account administrator acting on your behalf) makes the request or authorizes the disclosure;

Disclosure is required to process transactions or provide services that you have requested in the frame of:

The processing of a credit card (with credit card companies);

A request from a government authority or regulatory body, in the case of a judicial requisition, subpoena or other similar governmental or judicial requirement, or to establish or defend a legal claim.


Currently the recipients of data are: Inc.: webhost



In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), you have the rights of access, rectification and deletion of personal data about you. You can exercise those rights by sending us a message via the contact form.

Your requests will be processed within 30 days. We may ask that your application be accompanied by a photocopy of proof of identity or authority. You can also at any time modify your personal data yourself (by clicking on the link in all our emails).



can be used for statistical purposes, in particular to optimize the service, from the processing of information concerning the frequency of access, the personalization of the pages as well as the operations carried out and the information consulted.

You are informed that Ondewater is likely to place cookies on your device. The cookie records information about the navigation on the service (the pages you have visited, the date and time of the consultation...) that we can read during your subsequent visits.



Cookies may be used for statistical purposes, in particular to optimize the service, from the processing of information concerning the frequency of access, the personalization of the pages as well as the operations carried out and the information consulted.

You are informed that Ondewater is likely to place cookies on your device. The cookie records information about the navigation on the service (the pages you have visited, the date and time of the consultation ...) that we can read during your subsequent visits.

The cookie will allow Ondewater, during the period of validity or registration of the cookie, to identify your computer during your next visits. Partners or providers of Ondewater or third-party companies may also be required, subject to your choices, to place cookies on your computer.

"Technical" cookies, which are essential for browsing our site, in particular for the proper execution of the ordering process;

Cookies called "Optional" that are not essential to navigation on our site but can facilitate your research, optimize your user experience, target better your expectations, improve our offer, or optimize the operation of our site.

The data retention duration of this information in your computer is one year. Only the issuer of a cookie can read or modify the information. No cookie can identify your marital status.

User's right to refuse cookies, deactivation resulting in degraded operation of the service

You acknowledge that you have been informed that the Publisher may use cookies and authorize it. If you do not want cookies to be used on your device, most browsers allow you to disable cookies through the settings options.

If you choose to refuse the recording of cookies in your computer or if you delete those registered there, we accept no responsibility for the consequences related to the degraded operation of our services resulting from the impossibility for us to register or consult the cookies necessary for their operation and that you have refused or deleted.



Ondewater collects and stores your personal data for the purposes of fulfilling its contractual obligations as well as information on how and how often we use our services.

Personal data must be kept only for the time necessary to fulfill the objective that was pursued during their collection.

Ondewater only stores your data for the time it takes to provide the service, and as such, Ondewater instantly deletes your data after you unsubscribe to our newsletter. If the account remains active, the retention varies depending on the type of data involved.


Data retention during the term of the contractual relationship:

Data is deleted after account deletion, unsubscription or after 3 years of inactivity.

For security reasons, if you have not authenticated yourself on the site or have not actively behaved (click on a link) for a period of three years, your data will be deleted from our databases.



The hosting servers on which Ondewater processes and stores the databases are located in the USA



As part of its services, Ondewater places the utmost importance on the security and integrity of its customers' personal data.

Thus, and in accordance with the GDPR, Ondewater undertakes to take all necessary precautions to preserve the security of the data and in particular to protect them against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, dissemination or unauthorized access, as well as against any other form of unlawful processing or communication to unauthorized persons.


User information in the case of a security breach:

In the case where we become aware of illegal access to personal data about you stored on our servers or those of our service providers, or unauthorized access resulting in the realization of the risks identified above, we commit ourselves to:

Notify you of the incident as soon as possible if it meets a legal requirement;

Examines the causes of the incident;

Take the necessary measures within the limits of reasonable in order to lessen the negative effects and prejudices that may result from this incident.


Limitation of liability:

In any case, the commitments defined in the above point relating to the notification in the event of a security breach cannot be assimilated to any acknowledgment of fault or responsibility for the occurrence of the incident in question.



Except in case of “force majeure”, Ondewater guarantees to the User the good execution of its service in the respect of the General Terms & Conditions.



Deleting the account on demand:

The User has the possibility to delete his Account at any time, by simple request to Ondewater.


Deletion of the account in case of violation of the Privacy Policy:

In the event of a breach of one or more articles of this Agreement or any other document incorporated herein by reference, the Publisher reserves the right to terminate or restrict without prior notice and in its sole discretion, your use and access to services, to your account and to all Sites.


ARTICLE 14: Remarketing

This site may use a remarketing tag to advertise online.

This means that Google and other third-party vendors can serve our ads on the Internet.

These third-party vendors, including Google, may use cookies to serve you ads based on your previous visits.

If you prefer Google not to use cookies, you should consult the "Ad Manager Preferences" at


Dynamic advertising:

Our website can use the dynamic features of Google ads. To choose these ads, follow the instructions at

The management of the personalized commercial relationship through information powered on Facebook via the "Personalized Audience" feature proposed by Facebook.

The email address is the only data transferred to allow Facebook to identify its users and to constitute an audience.



Ondewater reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time, including the application of changes to applicable laws and regulations. Changes will be notified via our website or by email.



This Privacy Policy is governed by United Kingdom Law. In the event that they are translated into one or more languages, only the English text will prevail in case of dispute.


Any dispute to which the privacy policy may give rise, in particular as regards its validity, its interpretation and its execution, their consequences and their consequences, shall be submitted to the competent courts within the jurisdiction of London, United Kingdom.



The content of this site is given for informational purposes and should in no way be interpreted as a consultation or a medical opinion. For any question relating to health, he must consult the appropriate health professionals. The content of this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice from your doctor or other qualified health professional on all matters related to your condition. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.

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